July 2, 1863
The morning of July 2 found the two armies facing each other from two nearly parallel
ridges separated by a plain of open farmland. Overnight, Longstreet had arrived with the
divisions of McLaws and Hood, bringing the strength of the Confederate Army to 50,000.
As of this morning, Pickett's division had not arrived. The Union Army had also received
reinforcements during the night, bringing their numbers to over 60,000.
While Meade's attention was directed towards Ewell's corps on Culp's Hill to the north,
Lee decided to attack from the south. In the afternoon, Hood's division encountered
Federal forces with hand-to-hand combat in an area of rock-strewn confusion of large
boulders known as "Devil's Den." The Confederates worked past Devil's Den and for a
short time nearly overtook Little Round Top before being repulsed by the 20th Maine
regiment. The Confederates withdrew to Devil's Den where sharpshooters kept up a
deadly exchange with Federal troops on Little Round Top.
A little later in the afternoon, McLaw's division overpowered Sickles' Federals with hand-
to-hand combat at the Peach Orchard and the adjacent wheat field. However, losses were
great and the Confederate push lost momentum at the creek at the base of Little Round
Top known as Plum Run.
To the north, Ewell's divisions had some success with late afternoon attacks in and
around Culp's Hill. Early's division temporarily broke through Federal lines as darkness
fell, but with lack of support and Federal counterattacks, had to withdraw. Lee had
come close to success causing Meade to consider a possible retreat. The 2nd of July
1863 became one of the bloodiest days in American military history with each side losing
about 10,000 men.
Next, Anderson made a run on Hancock's center Federal position which had been
weakened in an attempt to aid Sickles. The Confederates were successfully pushing
towards the Federal's ridge position when Hancock ordered the First Minnesota regiment
to counterattack. Although the First Minnesota suffered enormous casualties, they
managed to give Hancock enough time to establish a new line of defense. Anderson's
men had to withdraw to Confederate positions across the valley.
Introduction | The 1st Day | The 2nd Day | The 3rd Day | VirginiaFamilyResearch.com |